Перевод: с арабского на английский

с английского на арабский

hot and red

  • 1 inflamed

    hot and red especially because of infection:

    Her throat was very inflamed.


    Arabic-English dictionary > inflamed

  • 2 alternate

    1. verb
    to use, do etc by turns, repeatedly, one after the other:

    He tried to alternate red and yellow tulips along the path as he planted them.

    2. [ɔːlˈtəːnət] adjective
    1) coming, happening etc in turns, one after the other:

    The water came in alternate bursts of hot and cold.

    2) every second (day, week etc):

    My friend and I take the children to school on alternate days.

    مُتَنَاوِب، مُتَعَاقِب

    Arabic-English dictionary > alternate

  • 3 مرض

    مَرَضٌ \ ailment: an illness, esp. one that is not serious. disease: illness; an unhealthy condition of a body or plant. illness: sickness in general; a disease: Fever is a common illness in hot countries. infection: the act or result of infec-ting; an illness passed by infecting. sickness: illness. \ مَرَضُ التيفوئيد \ typhoid: serious disease of the stomach, causing high fever. \ مَرَضُ الجُدَري \ smallpox: a dangerous disease that leaves hollow marks on the skin and can kill people. \ مَرَضُ الجُذام \ leprosy: a skin disease that slowly eats into the body. \ مَرَضُ الحَصْبَة \ measles: a disease that causes fever and red spots on the skin. \ مَرَضُ الزُّحَار \ dysentery: a disease of the waste pipe leading from the stomach (passing out blood and loose matter) that quickly spreads to other people. \ مَرَضٌ سَارٍ \ epidemic: a large number of cases of the same disease during a single period of time. \ مَرَضُ السّرَطان \ cancer: a diseased growth in the body. \ مَرَضُ السُّلّ \ tuberculosis: a dangerous disease, esp. of the chest. \ مَرَضٌ مُعْدٍ \ contagious: (of disease) spread by touch. \ See Also سار (سَارٍ)‏ \ مَرَضُ النُّكاف \ mumps: a disease which causes painful swellings in the neck. \ مَرَضُ الهَيْضَة \ cholera: a desease of the stomach, often causing death. \ See Also الكوليرا( الكوليرا)‏ \ مَرَضُ اليَرَقان \ jaundice: a disease causing the skin and eyes to become yellow. \ See Also الصَّفْراء

    Arabic-English dictionary > مرض

  • 4 بركان

    بُرْكَان \ volcano, volcanoes: a hill with a deep hole in the top, from which smoke and red-hot rock may pour out.

    Arabic-English dictionary > بركان

  • 5 volcano, volcanoes

    بُرْكَان \ volcano, volcanoes: a hill with a deep hole in the top, from which smoke and red-hot rock may pour out.

    Arabic-English glossary > volcano, volcanoes

  • 6 نبات

    نَبَات \ plant: sth. that grows from the ground (flowers, grass, crops, etc.; often not including bushes and trees): a tobacco plant. \ نَبَات \ corn: any plant that bears grain, esp. in BrE wheat, in AmE maize; the grain of such a plant. \ See Also حَبّ القَمْح، الذُّرَة \ نَبَات \ parasite: a creature (or plant) that lives on another and feeds on its blood, etc.; a person who lives on the efforts of sb. else and does not earn his own living. \ See Also حَيَوان أو شَخْص طُفَيْلِيّ \ نَبَات الأسَل \ rush: a plant that grows in wet places; its tall stems are used for making chair seats, baskets and floor coverings. \ نَبَات الأَفُوكاتَة (نبات)‏ \ avocado: pear a green tropical fruit with a large seed and smooth oily flesh. \ نَبَات البَنْجَر \ beet: a plant with a large root, of which the white kind produces sugar, and the red kind is used as a vegetable. \ See Also الشَّمَنْدَر \ نَبَات الجَاوْدَار \ rye: a kind of corn that is used for black bread. \ See Also الشَّيْلَم \ نَبَات الحَزَاز \ lichen: a very small plant which spreads over rocks, trees, etc.. \ نَبَات الخُرْشُوف (الأَرْضي شَوْكي)‏ \ artichoke: a kind of vegetable. \ نَبَات الخُزَامَى \ lavender: a plant with small sweet-smelling purple flowers and grey leaves. \ نَبَات الخَشْخَاش \ poppy: a wild red flower of several kinds (including the opium poppy). \ نَبَات الدِّفْلَى \ oleander: a bush with beautiful red or white flowers, common in gardens in hot countries. \ نَبَات الرَّاوَنْد \ rhubarb: a garden plant whose stems are cooked and eaten as fruit. \ See Also الرِّيباص \ نَبَات الرَّتَم \ broom: a bush with yellow flowers. \ See Also البَلاّن \ نَبَات الرَّتَم \ juniper: an evergreen bush whose fruit is used to give a taste to GIN. \ See Also العَرْعَر \ نَبَات الزنجَبيل \ ginger: a plant whose hot-tasting root is used in cooking. \ نَبَات السَّرْخَس \ fern: a feathery green plant with no flowers; a mass of this. \ See Also الخُنْشَار \ نَبَات السَّعَادة \ lotus: a flower that grows in lakes (also called the water lily). \ نَبَات شائِك \ thistle: a wild plant with prickly leaves. \ نَبَات الصَّبّار \ cactus, cacti, cactuses: a prickly plant that growns in a dry place. \ نَبَاتُ الفاصُوليَا \ bean: various kinds of plant that produce this. \ See Also اللُّوبيَا، الفول، إلخ \ نَبَات الفُطْر \ mushroom: a small leafless edible plant with a white circular top on a single stem, that can grow in one night. \ نَبَات القُرَّاص \ nettle: a wild plant whose leaves can sting. \ نَبَات القُطن \ cotton: a plant that has a soft white woolly substance round its seeds. \ نَبَات القنَّبِيط (القَرْنَبيط)‏ \ cauliflower: a vegetable with a large white head and green leaves. \ نَبَات القُنْدُول \ gorse: a prickly bush with yellow flowers, common on wild land in Britain. \ نَبَات اللَّبلاب (المتَسلّق)‏ \ ivy: a wild evergreen plant that climbs up trees and walls, and has a leaf with 5 points. \ نَبَات اللِّيف \ loofah: a climbing plant whose dried fruit is used as a brush for washing oneself; such a brush. \ نَبَات مُتَسَلِّق \ creeper: a plant that cannot stand by itself but climbs up walls or trees. \ نَبَات النِّيل (العَظْلَم) (صباغ أزرق)‏ \ indigo: a deep blue colouring matter; the plant that provides it. \ نَبَات الهِنْدِباء البَرّيّة \ dandelion: a yellow wild flower. \ نَبَات وزهرة السَّوْسَن \ iris: a tall plant that grows from a bulb and has gay flowers of various colours (blue, yellow, white, etc.).

    Arabic-English dictionary > نبات

  • 7 warm

    1. adjective
    1) moderately, or comfortably, hot:

    Are you warm enough, or shall I close the window?

    a warm summer's day.

    2) (of clothes) protecting the wearer from the cold:

    a warm jumper.

    3) welcoming, friendly, enthusiastic etc:

    a warm smile.

    دافِئ، وُدّي، حار
    4) tending to make one hot:

    This is warm work!

    ساخِن، مُسَبِّب الدَّفء
    5) (of colours) enriched by a certain quantity of red or pink, or (of red etc) rich and bright:

    I don't want white walls – I want something warmer.

    لامِع، مائِل إلى الأحْمَر
    2. verb
    1) to make moderately hot:

    He warmed his hands in front of the fire.

    2) to become friendly (towards) or enthusiastic (about):

    She warmed to his charm.

    يشْعُرُ بالدِّفء، يُصْبِحُ وُدِّيّا أو حَماسِيّا
    3. noun
    an act of warming:

    Give your hands a warm in front of the fire.


    Arabic-English dictionary > warm

  • 8 شجر

    شَجَر \ cedar: an evergreen tree with hard sweet-smelling wood, the wood from this tree. \ See Also خَشَب الأَرْز \ شَجَر \ persimmon: a type of orange-coloured soft fruit. \ See Also ثَمَر البرسيمون \ شَجَر \ fig: a soft edible fruit, full of small seeds; the tree that bears it. \ See Also ثَمَر التِّين \ شَجَر \ walnut: a tree that is used for fine furniture, its edible nut. \ See Also ثَمَر الجَوْز \ شَجَر \ chestnut: any of various trees with reddish-brown edible nuts; a nut from one of these trees, some kinds of which can be eaten. \ See Also ثَمَر الكَسْتَناء \ شَجَر \ lime: a tree (in hot countries) with small sour greenish-yellow fruit that is used for making cooling drinks; the fruit of this tree. \ See Also ثَمَر الليمون الحامض الصغير \ شَجَر \ mahogany: heavy dark-brown wood, used for furniture; the tree that produces it. \ See Also خَشَب المَاهُوغاني \ شَجَر \ hazel: a tree that produces nuts; the greenish-brown colour of these nuts: She has hazel eyes. \ See Also لَوْن البُنْدق \ شَجَر \ pine: an evergreen tree with needle-like leaves and white wood; the wood of this tree. \ See Also خَشَب الصَّنَوْبَر \ شَجَر \ eucalyptus: any of several types of tall tree which keep their leaves in winter and produce oil; this oil. \ See Also زَيْت اليوكالبتوس \ شَجَر الأسْفَنْدان \ maple: a common tree in northen countries (whose 5-pointed leaves turn red in autumn). \ See Also القيقب \ شَجَر الحَوْر \ poplar: a tall tree, common in Europe. \ شَجَر الدَّرْدَار \ ash: a kind of tree. elm: a tall tree with hard wood, common in Britain. \ شَجَر الزَّان \ beech: a kind of tree, common in Britain. \ شَجَر الزَّيْتُون \ olive: an evergreen tree, common in the Mediterranean area. \ شَجَر السَّرْو \ cypress: a kind of tree with dark green leaves. \ شَجَر السَّرْو \ fir: an evergreen tree with needle-like leaves. \ شَجَر الشَّرْبين \ larch: a tree with needlelike leaves that fall in winter. \ شَجَر الطَّقْسُوس \ yew: an evergreen tree; bows used to be made of its wood. \ شَجَر الغَار \ laurel: an evergreen bush. \ شَجَر القرام \ mangrove: a tree that grows in wet mud on the coasts of hot countries, and sends down new roots from its branches. \ See Also التّين الهندي \ شَجَر النّخيل \ palm: a tree (of various kinds; coconut palm, date palm, oil palm, etc.) that grows in hot countries and has no branches, with broad leaves all growing out of the top. \ See Also جَوْز الهِنْد

    Arabic-English dictionary > شجر

  • 9 شجرة

    شَجَرَة \ tree: the largest form of plant, from which we get wood. \ شَجَرَة \ coffee: (a powder made from the) cooked brown beans of a certain bush, used with boiling water to make a hot drink. \ See Also ثَمَرة البُنّ \ شَجَرَة \ mango: an Indian tree (grown in many hot countries) with sweet fruit; its fruit. \ See Also ثَمَرة المَانْچُو \ شَجَرَة \ rose: a prickly bush with a beautiful sweet-smelling flower; its flowers; the light-red colour of many roses. \ See Also زهرة (زَهْرة)، لَوْن الوَرْد \ شَجَرَة \ papaya, pawpaw: a tall tree that grows in tropical countries and has large yellow-green fruits that are good to eat; this fruit. \ See Also ثَمرة البَابَاو الاستوائية \ شَجَرَة \ quince: a tree with a bitter yellow fruit that can be cooked; its fruit. \ See Also ثَمرة السَّفَرْجَل \ شَجَرَة \ almond: a kind of tree; a nut of this tree. \ See Also ثَمرة اللَّوْز \ شَجَرَة الحِكْمَة \ birch: a kind of tree, with thin branches. \ See Also البتولا (البَتُولا)‏ \ شَجَرَة الزَّيْزَفون \ lime: a common European tree with sweet-smelling yellow flowers. \ شَجَرَة السَّنْط \ mimosa: a bush with sweet-smelling yellow flowers. \ شَجَرَة صَغيرة \ shrub: a low bush, usu. without a thick central stem. \ شَجَرَة الصَّفصَاف \ willow: a tree that grows beside water. \ شَجَرَة العِنب \ vine: the plant on which grapes grow. \ شَجَرَة الكَرْمة \ grapevine: the climbing plant on which grapes grow. \ مَكْسُوّ بالأشجار \ wooded: covered with trees: a wooded hillside.

    Arabic-English dictionary > شجرة

  • 10 ثار (على أو ضد)

    ثَارَ (على أو ضِدَّ)‏ \ erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. rebel: to fight against one’s own government; refuse to obey sb. who is in charge (leader, parent, teacher, etc.): The villagers rebelled against an order to close their school. revolt: to rise and fight against the government. rise: (of any large group) to take up arms against the government. \ ثارَتْ ثائِرَتُهُ \ lose one’s temper: to become angry: It was wrong of me to lose my temper yesterday - I’m sorry.

    Arabic-English dictionary > ثار (على أو ضد)

  • 11 علامة

    عَلامَة \ badge: sth. worn to show what one is or belongs to: a badge of rank; a school badge. indication: a sign. mark: any sign that one object has been touched by another: a dirty mark on the wall; a footmark in the sand, any spot or line that is of a different colour from the rest a white horse with a black mark on its nose, a sign (usu. a number, sometimes A, B, C, etc.) that is given by a teacher to show the quality of a piece of work in school low marks; full marks; a bad mark. sign: a movement or mark or notice that tells one sth.: He waved his arm as a sign that he was ready. + is a sign of addition. The road sign gave a warning of a dangerous bend. symptom: a sign of an illness: A hot head is a symptom of fever. token: a sign: The gift was a token of his love. trace: a sign or mark that shows where sth. has been: There were traces of blood on the floor. vestige: a slight mark, track, etc., remaining of sth. that is now gone or has been destroyed. \ عَلامَة (:) (للتَّرْقِيم)‏ \ colon: the mark: used in writing and printing, before giving lists, etc.. \ العَلامَة √ (أو صَحّ)‏ \ tick: the sign < core>, showing that sth. is correct or (on a list) that it has been dealt with, etc.. \ عَلامَة الاستفهام \ query: a question about some doubtful point; the sing (?). \ عَلامَة تجاريّة (مُسَجَّلة)‏ \ trade mark: a sign on goods, which shows who made them. \ عَلامَة تَعَجُّب "!" \ exclamation mark: the sign "!". \ عَلامَة حَصْر \ bracket: one of the marks () used in writing to show that (a word, phrase, etc.) is separate from the rest: Put this phrase in brackets. \ عَلامَة فارِقة أو أَمَرَة \ landmark: sth. (e.g. a tower) that is clearly seen from a distance, and so can guide travellers. \ عَلامَة كِتابِيّة \ character: a kind of mark, sign, etc. used for a number or a letter; a kind of handwriting: These are printed characters. Arabic characters are written from right to left. \ عَلامَة مُمَيِّزة \ mark: a special sign that is put on sth.: A postmark; a trade mark. \ عَلامَة النَّبْر \ accent: a mark used (in writing) to show the special force given to a word or part of a word or a particular quality of sound. \ علامة وَصْل (شرطة قصيرة)‏ \ hyphen: the make (-) that is used for joining two words, as in blood-red. \ See Also خَطّ قصير

    Arabic-English dictionary > علامة

  • 12 erupt

    ثَارَ (على أو ضِدَّ)‏ \ erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. rebel: to fight against one’s own government; refuse to obey sb. who is in charge (leader, parent, teacher, etc.): The villagers rebelled against an order to close their school. revolt: to rise and fight against the government. rise: (of any large group) to take up arms against the government.

    Arabic-English glossary > erupt

  • 13 rebel

    ثَارَ (على أو ضِدَّ)‏ \ erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. rebel: to fight against one’s own government; refuse to obey sb. who is in charge (leader, parent, teacher, etc.): The villagers rebelled against an order to close their school. revolt: to rise and fight against the government. rise: (of any large group) to take up arms against the government.

    Arabic-English glossary > rebel

  • 14 revolt

    ثَارَ (على أو ضِدَّ)‏ \ erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. rebel: to fight against one’s own government; refuse to obey sb. who is in charge (leader, parent, teacher, etc.): The villagers rebelled against an order to close their school. revolt: to rise and fight against the government. rise: (of any large group) to take up arms against the government.

    Arabic-English glossary > revolt

  • 15 rise

    ثَارَ (على أو ضِدَّ)‏ \ erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. rebel: to fight against one’s own government; refuse to obey sb. who is in charge (leader, parent, teacher, etc.): The villagers rebelled against an order to close their school. revolt: to rise and fight against the government. rise: (of any large group) to take up arms against the government.

    Arabic-English glossary > rise

  • 16 انفجر

    اِنْفَجَرَ \ blow up: to explode. burst: to be broken open by an inside force; explode: Pipes burst when water in them freezes. erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. explode: to burst with a loud noise: The aircraft exploded when it fell. \ اِنْفَجَرَ (ضاحِكًا أو باكِيًا)‏ \ burst out: (laughing or crying) to suddenly begin laughing (or crying). \ اِنْفَجَرَ بِـ (الضَّحِك، البُكَاء، إلخ)‏ \ burst into: to break out into: She burst into tears. The car burst into flames.

    Arabic-English dictionary > انفجر

  • 17 شرفة

    شُرْفَة \ balcony: a shelf-like structure where people may stand or sit, built out from an upstairs floor of a building. veranda(h): a shelter (with roof and floor but no outside wall) along the side of a house, where one can sit in hot weather. \ شُرْفَة دَاخِليّة (في مَسْرَح)‏ \ balcony: (in a theatre) rows of seats upstairs. \ شُرْفَة المَسْرَح \ gallery: an upper floor at the back of a hall or theatre. \ شَرَفيّ \ honorary: working without pay: He is honorary medical adviser to the Red Cross, (of titles, positions, etc.) received as an honour, without having to pay or pass an examination or perform any duty He was made an honorary member of the club.

    Arabic-English dictionary > شرفة

  • 18 blow up

    اِنْفَجَرَ \ blow up: to explode. burst: to be broken open by an inside force; explode: Pipes burst when water in them freezes. erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. explode: to burst with a loud noise: The aircraft exploded when it fell.

    Arabic-English glossary > blow up

  • 19 burst

    اِنْفَجَرَ \ blow up: to explode. burst: to be broken open by an inside force; explode: Pipes burst when water in them freezes. erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. explode: to burst with a loud noise: The aircraft exploded when it fell.

    Arabic-English glossary > burst

  • 20 erupt

    اِنْفَجَرَ \ blow up: to explode. burst: to be broken open by an inside force; explode: Pipes burst when water in them freezes. erupt: (of a volcano) to explode and throw out red-hot material. explode: to burst with a loud noise: The aircraft exploded when it fell.

    Arabic-English glossary > erupt

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Red hot — may be a reference to: * The glowing color of a heated object between about 950 °F and 1500 °F (510 °C to 816 °C). See Incandescence. * Red Hots, a small cinnamon flavored candy * A Hot Sauce, often specifically referring to Frank s Red Hot * A… …   Wikipedia

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